Ovine conceptuses express phospholipase inhibitory genes on days 14-15 of pregnancy, interacting with IFNT pathways.
Reproduction. 2024 Nov 1:REP-24-0286. doi: 10.1530/REP-24-0286.
Bai R, Latifi Z, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Shimada M, Imakawa K.
Induction of immune-related gene expression by seminal exosomes in the
porcine endometrium.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 in press
PMID: 29155178
外国人留学生で来ていたZeinab Latifiさんの研究成果が掲載されました。
Latifi Z, Fattahi A, Ranjbaran A, Nejabati HR, Imakawa K. Potential roles of metalloproteinases of endometrium-derived exosomes in embryo-maternal crosstalk during implantation. 2017. J Cell Physiol. in press PMID: 29115666
今川教授が発見した反芻動物の妊娠認識物質インターフェロンタウ(Imakawa et al., Nature 1987)の発見30周年を記念した特集に
Ezashi T, Imakawa K. Transcriptional control of IFNT expression. Reproduction. 2017 154:F21-F31. PMID: 28982936
Sakurai T, Nakagawa S, Bai H, Bai R, Kusama K, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Kaneko K, Iga K, Yasuda J, Miyazawa T, Imakawa K. Novel endogenous retrovirus-derived transcript expressed in the bovine placenta is regulated by WNT signaling. Biochem J. 2017 474:3499-3512. PMID: 28899944
Kusama K, Nakamura K, Bai R, Nagaoka K, Sakurai T, Imakawa K.
Intrauterine exosomes are required for bovine conceptus implantation.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 in press
PMID: 29196267
Bai R, Latifi Z, Kusama K, Nakamura K, Shimada M, Imakawa K.
Induction of immune-related gene expression by seminal exosomes in the
porcine endometrium.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 in press
PMID: 29155178
外国人留学生で来ていたZeinab Latifiさんの研究成果が掲載されました。
Latifi Z, Fattahi A, Ranjbaran A, Nejabati HR, Imakawa K. Potential roles of metalloproteinases of endometrium-derived exosomes in embryo-maternal crosstalk during implantation. 2017. J Cell Physiol. in press PMID: 29115666
今川教授が発見した反芻動物の妊娠認識物質インターフェロンタウ(Imakawa et al., Nature 1987)の発見30周年を記念した特集に
Ezashi T, Imakawa K. Transcriptional control of IFNT expression. Reproduction. 2017 154:F21-F31. PMID: 28982936
Sakurai T, Nakagawa S, Bai H, Bai R, Kusama K, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Kaneko K, Iga K, Yasuda J, Miyazawa T, Imakawa K. Novel endogenous retrovirus-derived transcript expressed in the bovine placenta is regulated by WNT signaling. Biochem J. 2017 474:3499-3512. PMID: 28899944
Matsumoto K, Imakawa K, Hayashi C. Successful pregnancy and live birth from a hypogonadotropic hypogonadism woman with low serum estradiol concentrations despite numerous oocyte maturations: a case report. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017 17:312. PMID: 28931393
SSR2017(ワシントンD.C.)にて、USDA-NIFA-AFRI Merit Awardを
Nakamura K, Kusama K, Bai R, Ishikawa S, Fukushima S, Suda Y, Imakawa K. Increase in complement iC3b is associated with anti-inflammatory cytokine expression during late pregnancy in mice. PLoS One. 2017 12:e0178442. PMID: 28542608
Imakawa K, Bai R, Nakamura K, Kusama K. Thirty years of interferon-tau research; Past, present and future perspective. Anim Sci J. 2017 in press. PMID: 28504476 Review
Imakawa K, Bai R, Fujiwara H, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Kusama K. Continuous model of conceptus implantation to the maternal endometrium. J Endocrinol. 2017 233:R53-R65. PMID: 28213399 Review
Kusama K, Bai R, Nakamura K, Okada S, Yasuda J, Imakawa K. Endometrial factors similarly induced by IFNT2 and IFNTc1 through transcription factor FOXS1. PLoS One. 2017 12:e0171858. PMID: 28199372
草間特任助教がSSR2016にて「Bovine endogenous retroviral expression in trophoblasts during implantation and early placentation for Presentation」の演題でLEMTTF awardを受賞しました。
Nakamura K, Kusama K, Bai R, Sakurai T, Isuzugawa K, Godkin JD, Suda Y, Imakawa K. Induction of IFNT-Stimulated Genes by Conceptus-Derived Exosomes during the Attachment Period. PLoS One. 2016 11:e0158278. PMID: 27351483
Kusama K, Bai R, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Okuda K, Imakawa K. Regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition in bovine conceptuses through the interaction between follistatin and activin A. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2016 434:81-92. PMID: 27321969
Kusama K, Bai R, Sakurai T, Bai H, Ideta A, Aoyagi Y, Imakawa K. A transcriptional cofactor YAP regulates IFNT expression via transcription factor TEAD in bovine conceptuses. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 2016 57:21-30
Imakawa K, Dhakal P, Kubota K, Kusama K, Chakraborty D, Karim Rumi MA, J Soares M. CITED2 modulation of trophoblast cell differentiation: insights from global transcriptome analysis. Reproduction. 2016 151:509-516. PMID:26917451
Fujiwara H, Araki Y, Imakawa K, Saito S, Daikoku T, Shigeta M, Kanzaki H, Mori T.Dual Positive Regulation of Embryo Implantation by Endocrine and Immune Systems - Step-by-Step Maternal Recognition of the Developing Embryo. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2016 75:281-289. PMID:26755274
Imakawa K, Bai R, Fujiwara H, Kusama K. Conceptus implantation and placentation: molecules related to epithelial-mesenchymal transition, lymphocyte homing, endogenous retroviruses, and exosomes. Reprod Med Biol. 2016 15:1-11. Review
Imakawa K, Nakagawa S, Miyazawa T. Baton pass hypothesis: successive incorporation of unconserved endogenous retroviral genes for placentation during mammalian evolution. Genes Cells. 2015 20:771-788. Review PMID:26442811